Journeying through life

A paladin’s venture

It’s a blog, like in 1999

Hello there

Nice of you to drop by..

Welcome to my corner of the internet where, in theory, it’s immune to the flitting whims of billionaires with no attention span, yes I mean you Musk and Zuckerberg.

With social media broken somewhat, my usual online homes have been overrun by meglomanic rich people with delusions of grandeur, racists, misognists, and many many extremists feeling emboldened to shower the world wide web with their own brand of personal awfulness… screw that!

With that disturbing state of affairs I didn’t want to miss out on connecting with awesome people, and I’d had some fun online projects I had done and wanted to do more so I figured I’d carve out my own little corner of the internet, and build a peaceful place to connect with the rest of the world. For what it’s all about see below..

“Life is short, the fruit of this life is a good character & acts for the common good”

Marcus aurelius

Knight-errant resting on his lance.
Knight-errant in armour

Every day’s an adventure,

some require armour.

Daily Ventures

Given that social media is a bit broken, and in some cases very rich people want you to pay them to make money off your content, so I figure I’ll place mine here instead. News, opinion, reviews, books, philosophy, and thing’s I find to chat about in the comments. Just don’t expect it to make sense!

Writing Ventures

The Astonishing Adventures is a book project I began years ago that went off the rails when life got in the way, which is an understatement. It’s back and the tales of an Irish scientist and swashbuckler are coming soon.

A Quantum Of..

The last few years I’ve had fun online reading Shakespeare’s Sonnets with my slighty odd accent, and a book quote project for Halloween, ‘A Quantum Of Horror’. I’ve had a few more ideas that I’ll need your help with..

The world isn’t what you think..

The Astonishing Adventures


Steampunk Swashbuckling


Undead brides


Mechanical men






Fast food obsessed aliens

For fun I did a little book give away project for Halloween 2022 on Twitter. Each day I read a quote from famous horror novels, with my slightly odd accent, and folks kindly liked and followed along winning some classic novels along the way. I thought I might spin a few more ‘A Quantum Of…’ scattered throughout the year.

Haunted House.

That Social Stuff

You’ll find A Paladin’s Venture content on some social platforms, at least until they collapse or completely fall under the spell of the growing hordes of feckin eejits dwelling there.


Threads is the newest attempt by Meta to consume your life like a vampire making withdrawals from your arteries. However in the wake of Twitter being killed by a narcissistic man-child Threads is so far the best option to start all over again after 14 years on the old bird site. Will Mark and Co do something stupid with it?.. probably, but let’s see how it goes.


Instagram is a bit chaotic these days, gone are the old times when it was cats, the odd selfie, and pics of pretty nice looking meals. But there’s still some great stuff if you do a little weeding of influencers, and while I’m not a selfie person it’ll be a good spot for some future projects so I’m there.


Formally the ‘wild west’ of the web with its for mature eyes only blogs, but after some missteps by different owners that caught great content in the purge by fire that took place a few years ago, it’s back to having some great quirky stuff. If you’re looking for obsessive deep dives into fan fiction Tumblr is still the best place to go hunting. There’s everything from classic cinema blogs to design devotees, folklore and tales of things that lurk in the dark. Its days may be numbered though..

Also on Bluesky and Mastodon but they both suffer from user problems. Mastodon can be a bit preachy “You’re posting wrong!” and Bluesky is focused on server tech and forgotten platform basics like Gifs, video, and actually letting people use it. I’ll loiter and see what happens.

electronic mail lives! 

Maybe you aren’t on social, it isn’t for everyone, but you still want to connect to take part in future ‘A Quantum Of..’ projects or something else silly I’m doing to pass the time. Drop me a message and I’ll be in touch, unless you seem insane in which case don’t hold your breath, no offence.

3 + 3 =