
Just A,
Little bit,
of me..

The site owner

Hello there, so here’s my home online and I suppose with books coming and other little bits of fun I should really do the ‘About Me’ page thing. This was easier when MySpace just let you put glitter gifs and cats everywhere…

So how to put something here while still keeping some level of privacy for the time being, decisions decisions…

Well I’ve built this place as a refuge of sorts from the social media hellsites which a decade ago were fun but now have become a dire cesspit of the worst people feeling they can say the worst things. This place is my Helm’s Deep, though as an archer I’ll be sure to bring down the large sweaty chap with the big firework.

Oh there’s the first fact, I’m an archer, educator, aspiring writer like everyone else on the internet but sure it’s fun, motorcycle fan in need of a new ride, there’s no zen experience quite like being on two wheels, classic car admirer, tech nerd, book geek, Shakespeare fan, philosophy examiner, film enthusiast, comics connoisseur, sword swinger, and Dad raising three awesome kids I’m blessed to have make each day fun, and lastly resident of the Emerald Isle.

I’m sure I’ve missed something but that should cover the who, what, where for now.


Knight-errant in armour

Former social media armour


The Astonishing Adventures

Check out my writing adventures

A Quantum of Horror

A Quantum Of…

A different kind of book adventure…

electronic mail lives! 

Maybe you aren’t on social, it isn’t for everyone, but you still want to connect to take part in future ‘A Quantum Of..’ projects or something else silly I’m doing to pass the time. Drop me a message and I’ll be in touch, unless you seem insane in which case don’t hold your breath, no offence.

15 + 12 =