Yes so I said ‘Daily-ish’ but that kind of went off the rails a little didn’t it 😬, apologies.

Life just sneaks up and messes you about sometimes and I’ve been fighting several fires of late that I’ve almost got stamped out. That’s meant fun stuff and personal projects here had to take a backseat 😩 but plans are getting readjusted and rescheduled to get back on track.

I’m still on social networks although Twitter is currently dying, Elon is such a narcissistic twat.

Mastodon didn’t take off as much as hoped during the Twitter exodus a few months ago. I might download Ivory and see if an easier interface makes Mastodon more usable but all these networks are becoming either clanky or just full of a lot of vile people pushed by money and algorithms.

So sharpening my blade once more to go tackle the things I’d like to do and will make this place more of a personal blog, everything old is new again! 😄